Dramatically improve your invisibility while driving at night with the best headlight restoration in Kalispell. Here at Reflection Auto Spa, we are the headlight restoration specialists that serve the Kalispell area. Cloudy headlights are a normal part of your vehicle’s aging process and are caused by prolonged UV exposure and other environmental damages. Not only are they a safety hazard, making it difficult to see clearly at night, but they can also severely age your vehicle as well. Studies have shown that cloudy headlights can the amount of light illuminating the road by about 80%. With our process, your headlights will be looking as good as new. We being our process by cleaning up the headlights and masking the areas around the headlights to avoid damaging them. We then continue our sanding and polishing process to get rid of the damages. Your headlights will leave here looking like new! Contact our team at Reflection Auto Spa for a free quote today!
Included in Package
- Thorough Cleaning
- Sanding and Polishing
- Up to 100% Clarity Improvement
- Improved Overall Appearance